
5 Things Teachers Need to Know Before Starting Your Striv Team

students broadcasting a game at a high school in the media row

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Deciding to add digital media education into your curriculum and start your Striv live streaming program is an exciting and overwhelming time. Taking the first step in immersing your students in digital media education as well as live streaming can seem like a daunting task. 

Here at Striv, we are determined to help schools and teachers navigate the world of digital media education and live streaming. 

With the information that we have learned from talking to our fantastic Striv teachers, we have compiled 5 things that every teacher new to Striv should know before starting your broadcast team.

1.“Rome wasn’t built in a day”

This adage still holds true when talking about starting a Striv team. Teachers need to realize that the first live stream will not be perfect. 

There are so many different elements that go into producing a live stream. Mistakes are going to be made, which is completely fine! Teachers and students need to collaborate after every live stream to identify the mistakes and how to fix them. 

Don’t get discouraged! With every live stream, you will continuously grow and improve your production.

2. Instill the Basics in Your Students

Most students that are going to be joining your Striv team are going to have no experience or insight on streaming. That is why it is incredibly important to instill the basics.

Whether it is learning camera angles or setting up Wirecast—by instilling the basics into your students, you are giving them everything they need to do their job in order to produce a successful live stream.

Before it is time to produce your live stream, ensure that your students are prepared and have the basic knowledge needed to produce a live stream. With the basic knowledge, your students will be equipped and empowered to control your school’s broadcast.

3. Start Small

It is important for teachers to set challenging yet achievable goals when starting their Striv team. 

Figure out a live streaming schedule that works for you and your Striv team. You don’t need to live stream 100% of games for every sports team or extracurricular at your school.

Start small your first year and figure out how many games and activities that you and your Striv team have time for throughout the year (this may include setting expectations with your administration, too). Then each year, continue to increase the number of live streams that your team does!

4. Find Students in Your School to Grow Your Team

Students are the most important piece of your Striv team, and the more you have, the faster your Striv team will succeed.

Ask different teachers and administrators about students who need a place to call their own, give them a realm to be passionate in, and watch them succeed. 

It is also important to find the students in your school that want to be a part of a team, and that want to showcase their talents in a unique way.

Build your Striv team around these students and watch it grow! With enough students who are determined and dedicated to your team, you will be producing amazing live streams in no time!

5. Organization is Key

Organization leads to more efficiency and simplicity within your team. Organization starts with scheduling streaming events implementing a calendar to neatly arranging equipment. The simpler you can make it for your students, the more engaged and excited they will be. 

Students are more likely to return to help stream if things are simple and organized compared to complex and muddled.

Learn More

These are the five reasons that we have heard from our Striv teachers as the five most important things to know before starting your Striv team. 

If you are interested in learning more about Striv TV and how to implement an education-based live streaming program in your school, click here.

Striv TV provides all you need in a streaming platform with the training, resources, and support to produce a high-quality broadcast that helps schools connect with their community and fans while empowering students.

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