
Introducing our Broadcast and Equipment Guides

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As schools continue to improve and expand their live streaming setup it can be difficult to know where you stand and what the next steps are.  

That is why we are introducing our Broadcast and Equipment Guides to further aid our #strivschools!

We have come up with five different levels for both the broadcast and equipment guides that schools can use to gauge where they are at. As well as determine what additions would be most effective for their current setup.

The 5 Levels of the Broadcast Guide

Level 1

The first level contains the necessities that every live stream needs to have a solid foundation. This includes: the Striv scoreboard, utilization of advertising and a 1-camera setup. 

If schools can have quality video, accurately display the scoreboard and effectively take care of advertisements, that is a solid baseline to further expand through the next four levels.

Level 2

Level two incorporates announcers, an audio mixer and graphics to further improve the quality of the stream. 

Adding announcers to your live stream not only makes your stream more entertaining and engaging, it gives an opportunity for your students to learn a new skill. 

Level 3

Level three is perhaps the biggest leap that schools make, this includes the addition of a multi-camera setup, wireless cameras and crew-to-crew communication. 

The addition of a multi-camera setup adds so much to your livestream. Even just utilizing two cameras will allow your stream to engage your audience at another level. 

Wireless cameras give you the freedom to incorporate shots that were impossible with only a wired camera. Schools with wireless cameras can show close ups of the student sections or incredible close up angles of a wrestling match.  

Crew-to-crew communication becomes crucial with the addition of wireless cameras as it allows every student on your Striv team to be on the page throughout the stream.

Level 4

As Eric Allgood said, level four is where it starts to get really really fun! This level sees the addition of instant replay, an equipment case and a hoop/wall camera. 

Instant replay and a hoop/wall camera will engage your audience even more and greatly improve the overall quality of your stream. 

As for the equipment case, if you have all of the equipment that has been discussed in the previous levels, a case to hold and organize all of your stuff will be incredibly beneficial.

Level 5

The final level adds a fiber network, NDI and a control room for producing all of your events. 

This is the level that Eric likes to call the Husker Vision network. Since all of the events that are produced by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln go back to the control room inside Memorial Stadium. 

If possible, this allows schools to never have to move any equipment since it would be all connected through a fiber network and on an NDI. 

The 5 Levels of the Equipment Guide

Level 1

As said about level one for the broadcast guide, this level includes the necessitates that are required for a live stream to have a solid foundation. A canon camera, a nice tripod and a capture card is what makes up level one. 

These three elements will ensure that your live stream will have solid and consistent video quality.

Level 2

Level two sees the addition of a broadcast headset, some sort of sound mixer and a Libec zoom controller. 

If your school has already nailed the three elements of level one, the next step is a zoom controller. This allows your zooms to be more controlled and smoother as well as putting less stress on your camera operator. 

This addition is a game changer and will not only make live streaming easier on you and your students, but will improve the overall quality of your stream tenfold.

Level 3

Level three incorporates a video switcher, wireless video transmitters and an intercom system. All three of these equipment additions allow for your Striv team to utilize a wireless camera setup. 

Adding an intercom system allows for your Striv students to communicate with each other throughout the entirety of the stream. As stated above, the ability for your students to communicate with each other is crucial to having a seamless and successful live stream. 

Level 4

Moving on to level four, a rigid 3-piece toolbox, a marshall camera and a replay system are the additions in this level. 

Assuming that you have all of the equipment listed above, some sort of toolbox will be vital in keeping all of your equipment organized and in the same place. As well as it being incredibly easier to move from venue to venue. 

Level 5

The additions in level five will jump your live stream to a professional level. Those additions include a Newtek tricaster and the JVC production studio. 

The JVC production studio is a much more cost effective option. But it does a lot of stuff that will greatly improve the quality of your stream.

Watch How You Can Use the Guides for Your Streaming Setup

At Striv we can help you achieve your streaming goals and provide you with the equipment to get you there. Connect with us for how you can take your school’s live stream to the next level. Be sure to look through all of the equipment that Striv AV has to offer!

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