‘Education’ Stories

September 10, 2019
StrivU Fall Camp: Share Your School’s Story
We are excited to welcome Striv teachers and students to join our team at one of our Fall Camps in Kearney, Lincoln, and Bridgeport. We will dive deep into what it means to share your school’s story through media and…

February 7, 2019
NPSA: A Feature Story
This past month, Nebraska Public School Advantage (NPSA), wrote an incredible three-part story about our journey here at Striv TV. As a small-local-startup, we can’t help but feel incredibly humbled by the connection and stories we’ve been able to share…

December 3, 2018
Competition and Kindness: Schuyler Community Schools
“Coaches, administrators, students, and adults, need to be willing to take a stand.” Competition and Kindness is a story about the challenges Schuyler Community Schools encounters as a diverse school district. “The Nebraska Coaches Association has a long history…

June 21, 2017
Striv Summer Workshop Recap
Last week, we wrapped up our Striv Summer Workshops in Henderson, Nebraska, hosting over 16 Striv Schools from around the state. We had teachers, faculty members and students in the house to learn and grow in media education. Our workshops…

April 5, 2017
Sandy Creek High School located in Fairfield, Nebraska is a Class C-2 school which offers students a wide variety of unique learning opportunities. We interviewed Jeremy Borer, Technology Director and Crystal Hassenstab, Art Teacher about how they are sharing their…

February 27, 2017
Heitmann Hears Calling
It was a typical day for Thayer Central High School senior, Russell Heitmann. Fall sports were in full swing and he had just returned from competing at a cross country meet. As he returned to the school to grab his…

February 15, 2017
Introducing Class Intercom!
We’re excited to introduce to #strivschools a new company we’ve partnered with called Class Intercom. Social Media has been such a big part of sharing your stories since we’ve started and now we have the perfect tool to provide to…

February 3, 2017
A Striv story…Milford High School [VIDEO]
Milford Public Schools, High Principal, Brandon Mowinkel shares how Striv has had impact on their school, students and community. Thanks to the Milford Eagles for letting us share your story! Learn more about how to be a Striv School here.

February 1, 2017
Developing Digital Leaders by #ICANHELP [EVENT]
We’re excited to help promote a great event for educators, admin, and school counselors by #ICANHELP coming up on Saturday, February 11 in Lincoln at The BAY for educators in Nebraska. Below is all of the information about the event and…

January 18, 2017
Risk Takers Can Expect Real Reward
They may not have known what exactly they were getting into this year when four seniors (Madison Mills, Whitney Koehn, John Willey and Shailee Hayek) and a sophomore (Kate Zakaras) at Elmwood-Murdock High School enrolled themselves into a brand new…