‘Schools’ Stories

November 1, 2022
How Striv Empowered Leyton Oberle to Lead Students
Being just a sophomore at York High School, you wouldn’t expect Leyton Oberle to be the student leader of his Striv team. But since joining Striv in middle school, he has been empowered to lead his peers and team to…

August 24, 2022
How to Engage Your Audience During a High School Live Stream
Do you ever wonder how we can watch a football or softball game for hours on ESPN? What keeps us watching isn’t solely the action on the field. It’s the broadcast. Keeping your audience engaged and entertained during a high…

January 25, 2022
NEXT LEVEL: Oakland-Craig Student awarded a full-ride scholarship to UNL for digital media
With the continued growth in the media and communications industry, the time is now to learn how your school can integrate digital media education into your curriculum. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment in film and video…

December 14, 2021
NEXT LEVEL: Featuring Schuyler Community Schools
Schuyler Community Schools is already considered one of the “all in” #strivschools in our community, and this month they went to the next level. Schuyler has been a Striv school for almost 7 years now, and they started the same…

December 18, 2020
Winter Summit 2021
REGISTER HERE This year’s #StrivWinterSummit2021 is coming directly to you and your students! We are so excited to offer you and your Striv crew the flexibility to attend our Winter Summit right from your classroom. What: 7 recorded videos, live…

July 15, 2020
Striv Resources and Tutorials
You asked, we answered! At Striv Education, we are excited to offer our current Striv Schools new tutorials! In the past, our tutorials have lived in your school’s dashboard, but thanks to your feedback, we’ve updated them and added them…

May 27, 2020
3 Reasons Why Your School Needs a Striv Site
Behind every successful school website, is a well thought out, organized, and unique design. Striv Sites offer just that. If you want your website to present what your school is about, use complete customization, and with full personal support, it…

May 20, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 11
Our good friend Marcus Scheer from JCC joins us for our final Educators Chat. He gives some great insight into what a tech coordinator’s job has been like this spring, his fantastic school branding, and what he’s looking forward to…

May 15, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9SDgPx59c4&feature=youtu.beLisa Bohaty joins us for this chat, and talks about being in a new position at East Butler, incorporating so many changes, and what the next school year might look like.

April 30, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 8
In this episode, Neile Anderson talks about her students’ projects, life on the farm during quarantine, and living close to a hotspot for COVID-19.