‘Teachers’ Stories

August 6, 2020
5 Ways to Prepare for your First Fall Stream
Your first stream is always an exciting night, but it can also be a little overwhelming if you’re not sure you’re prepared. As a Striv School, we want you to feel knowledgeable and encouraged as you prepare for the fall…

August 3, 2020
Teacher Training
Is your stream ready for the first activities? Schedule a time to talk with Eric August 10-14 to ensure everything is ready to go. Reserve a time here (note: you may need to arrow over to the week of August…

July 15, 2020
Striv Resources and Tutorials
You asked, we answered! At Striv Education, we are excited to offer our current Striv Schools new tutorials! In the past, our tutorials have lived in your school’s dashboard, but thanks to your feedback, we’ve updated them and added them…

May 15, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9SDgPx59c4&feature=youtu.beLisa Bohaty joins us for this chat, and talks about being in a new position at East Butler, incorporating so many changes, and what the next school year might look like.

May 6, 2020
3 Ways to do Virtual Graduation on Striv
We know your school, students, and parents are missing graduation, but here’s how you can help! Below, we’ve listed 3 ways that you can still give seniors and their families the graduation recognition they deserve. 1.Record and edit your virtual…

April 30, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 8
In this episode, Neile Anderson talks about her students’ projects, life on the farm during quarantine, and living close to a hotspot for COVID-19.

April 17, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 6
Long time friend of Striv, Rod Havens, checks in with us this week and he reflects on his family’s situation, watching the connection and growth of students and some great advice for teachers and admin during this COVID-19 pandemic.

April 15, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 5
Our fifth Educators Chat brings us our first out of state interview! Katie joins us from Hesston, Kansas and shares a fresh perspective to the current situation of school, and how she and other teachers connect with students is important,…

April 9, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 4
In Episode 4, Sara and Eric chat with James Reed, technology specialist at Holdrege. Hear some great positive stories coming from the school and community, how the administration and teachers are working together during the pandemic, and the Dusters’ plan…

April 7, 2020
Educators Chat: Episode 3
In this episode, Sara and Eric talk with Matt Hinkel of Northwest High School in Grand Island. They talk about the transition to e-learning, how he’s engaging his creative students, and how he’s trying to learn during this time.